While we wait for the new look Twitter to arrive over here. I’ve compiled a list of ten quick Twitter tips to consider when using the platform for business.
1. Define what exactly Twitter will be used for and why you think it is needed as part of the communications mix. This will help to understand what role it will play and how to differentiate it from other communications channels.
2. Set up a profile with a picture, include a link, short bio and get tweeting, even if no one is listening – yet! People need to know who you are, what you are about and why they should follow you on Twitter. This is how you tell them, a blank profile says nothing and won’t get you followers.
3. Put a Twitter badge on you website, link to it in your online communications (newsletters, social media, message boards etc) and it would do no harm whatsoever to include a Twitter logo in your offline communications.
4. Identify who the target audience are, find them, follow them. I don’t advocate following ‘everyone’ but if your Twitter strategy is to build contacts in the media and distribute content then find the media contacts and follow them. Others will follow in due course.
5. Send out regular tweets with relevant links to info, articles, news, updates, video etc. In Twitter it’s acceptable to post multiple times per day. This is in contrast to Facebook, where multiple daily postings may annoy fans.
6. In the case of important messages ask for them to be re-tweeted. Re-tweets build awareness for your profile. But don’t ask to often.
7. Don’t forget to say thanks, if you ask for a re-tweet or not. They are promoting your message after all.
8. Make sure to follow up any enquiries people make via Twitter. It’s a communications channel, so communicate!
9. Should you follow all of your followers back? It’s very debatable and depends on what you wish to achieve with Twitter. Some firms follow most people back, some choose to follow very little. I was once followed by a Texas car dealer because I reviewed a car advert and posted a link on Twitter. Metrics to base who you should follow back include their location (if provided), their website link, their tweet content, their integrity (are they promoting suspicious content?), who they follow and who follows you both.
10. Don’t use automated responses to thank people for following you, unless you do something creative. The best idea I have seen was for an online magazine which pointed out this was an automated message and directed me to a link with exclusive content. “Thanks for the follow” just won’t do anymore!
Do you have any Twitter tips you would like to share?
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