All Things Waterford
For the past 30 years, WLR-FM has been the radio station for all things Waterford. But as the times have changed, the ways people stay connected have also changed. Developments in digital technology means that a very local community has become a global community with people tuning in from Waterford City to Wellington, New South Wales and Washington, D.C. WLR-FM made the decision to take a step back, appreciate what the WLR brand means internally and embark on a journey to bring them closer to their county.
That’s why WLR is dropping the ‘FM’. From now on Waterford’s radio station will simply be called WLR – on air, on line and in person. It’s how listeners know them across all platforms. It shows their pride and confidence, that WLR is the hub for all things Waterford no matter where you are in the world. It also reflects their new brand positioning – “We are WLR”.
Over the next ten months we’ll be working with WLR to start building on that new brand positioning. By early 2018, WLR will have a fresh rebrand with a new visual identity.
We look forward to being a part of this journey with WLR.