7 Classic Irish Ads and earworms
1: Shake n Vac
Let’s start with the worst… go on put the freshness back, a world class earworm, you’re welcome!
2: Harp larger
Ah Sally O’Brien (she was actually English!) but anyway home is where the Harp is.
3: Kerrygold
Hmmmm, was buttering the spuds a euphemism?
4: Water Safety
Jesus Christ it’s a wonder any of us Irish kids made it through childhood, not to mention poor Grandad, just how drunk was he? Classic 1980’s.
5: Guinness
Ahhh Guinness, this whole post could have been just one great Guinness Ad after another. Here’s one of my favourites, cause that dancing guy was just annoying!
6: Safe Cross Code
Right all together now: 1 Look for a safe place, 2 Don’t hurry stop and wait, 3 Look all around and listen. This has saved my life many times.
7: Bord na Mona
Let’s finish with a bit of class, And O she was the Sunday in every week… sigh.
Trish Brady, UI Designer
Trish looks after digital design and creative development at Neworld, bringing a wealth of experience and insight to every project. She can only talk about ads from way back as she doesn’t really watch TV anymore.
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