Make it Special – ring any ‘jungle’ bells?
I love Christmas don’t get me wrong, but as a designer the thought of Christmas mid-July sends shivers. It’s pretty much greeted with ‘bah humbug’. Another Christmas… how to create something different?
To me, clever design should deliver a strong creative message and without too much effort or fuss.
Here’s some design magic-
Obviously, when you’re tasked with creating a Christmas-themed ad, Santa Claus is going to be an idea near the top of the list. Here poor ole faded Santa is a great idea to convey the importance of colour-preserving in washing detergent!
This cheeky one is for Builders Insurance…
Hats off to these guys above, they’ve just smashed the ‘Annual Christmas Creative Challenge’.
Lorna Ryan McKeon, Senior Brand Designer
Lorna brings a flair for intellectual instinctual design with her! A remarkable sense of colour and intuitive eye for balance and space make her a natural designer, and her exquisite concepts serve to bolster and enrich the brands she works with. Many of our clients at Neworld, including Adare Manor, Clontarf Castle and Castleknock Hotel, have benefited from her attention and genuine love of what she does.
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