Staying Ice-Cream Cool with Hot Design
Record temperatures, packed beaches and smiley happy people – Ireland in June 2018 has been (to borrow from The Merrymen) feeling hot, hot, hot. However, if sunburns, water shortages and sweaty commutes are getting to you, consolation comes as an excuse to consume copious amounts of ice-cream! So, here we go through some of the more interesting parlours and packs (from past and present) in this category…
It’s the UK’s ‘first no sugar, naturally sweetened ice-cream’ from artisan producers Taywell and it came out shouting! Launched in 2015, the packs were developed from the angle of ‘rebellious underdog’, using revolutionary inspired iconography along with a rallying cry of ‘Say no to added sugar’. The back of pack information is applied in placard format, adding to the overall feel. This Stevia sweetened range needed to make a statement and was a welcome antidote to a category so associated with high sugar content.
Homage to the past can sometimes stray into tacky, but not here. All the way from Mexico, a beautiful parlour from the people at Winter Milk. Designed with a nod to 60’s handmade labelling and signs, along with considered colour palettes influenced by Dutch monarchy and cold, winter climates. The whole design is executed with a bold simplicity and with their product made from 100% natural ingredients, this is ice-cream manna.
Okay, I know this isn’t ice-cream, it’s frozen yoghurt, but it’s still very cool(!!). With a challenge of selling frozen products in colder climates, lighting designers Climod were chosen to develop upon a theme of ‘endless summer’. Mood inspiring transitional lighting, especially effective in the later evening, combined with brilliantly simple touches in-store, engender a welcoming space year round. Adding some fun wordplay into the mix, e.g. ‘I’ve just had my first Snog’, they also bring the whole experience on the road with customised double-decker buses, making for an effervescent brand engagement.
What self-respecting ice-cream blog would be complete without a mention of our very own Hazelbrook Farm/HB? Established in 1926 in the Dublin suburb of Rathfarnham, taken over by Unilever in 1973 with production in Dublin finally ending in 2003 following the launch of the worldwide Heartbrand. Over the years, HB has been providing ice-cream refreshment to generations. Their ‘ice-pops’ are the stuff of Irish legend, particularly with the creative dexterity applied to product naming – Freaky Foot, Tangle Twisters and Chilly Willies anyone? And whoever came up with Wibbly Wobbly Wonder deserves the Freedom of Dublin! (Not really, but it’s still a great name).
….and then MAGNUM
Indulgent ice-cream moguls Magnum flick the switch to kitch with this range of wild animal inspired packs. Appearing like they had inspiration from Bet Lynch and Pat Butcher’s wardrobe at concept stage (my words, not theirs), the packs feature Leopard, Wolf and Tiger coats. Imploring you to ‘Release the Beast’, the packs are completed with Gold motifs – maybe put this one down in the ‘not quite sure’ category.
Sean Deignan, Senior Production Artist
Sean is a Senior Production Artist at Neworld. He is responsible for the handling of major brand name projects from brief to final production, and for taking design concepts and working them to fully finished packaging and literature ready for print. He has worked with a variety of brands including Barry’s Tea, Glenisk, Arrabawn, The Jelly Bean Factory and Irish Pride.
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