Tales of a survived intern
The term “intern” can be intimidating; I mean the definition literally suggests a lack of experience and knowledge. But in all honesty, it’s an opportunity to prove yourself, to show what kind of stuff you’re made of. So here are my top tips for surviving an internship.
- Fake it till you make it.
Confidence is key. It can make you blend in or stand out. (However beware the fine line between confidence and cockiness, no one likes a spoofer.) Of course, not everyone is blessed with natural confidence…but no one has to know that. Fake that confidence until it eventually turns real, it’ll keep the nerves at bay.
- Use your head
Don’t sit there twiddling your thumbs, zero point to that. Do whatever you can possibly see that needs to be done. And if you have nothing to do, just ask for something. Initiative is a rare commodity.
- Ask questions
You won’t be expected to know everything by any extent. But when things are new you’ve got to learn fast, and the best way to learn is to ask questions. I ask an annoying amount of questions as I’m sure my desk neighbour could tell you (sorry Glenn.) But sure look, it seems to have worked.
- Just be sound
You spend more of your time awake at work than you do at home, so the people around you are key. Just be generally helpful and sound and things should all be okay.
The advice above may seem both vague and a little direct but it appears to have worked because now Neworld is stuck with me. Luckily for me, I have a very patient and welcoming bunch around me, which made things a hell of a lot easier.
Ailbhe is Neworld’s newest designer and without a doubt the lankiest member of the team. With a degree in Visual Communication from DIT, she travels to work every morning from the exotic depths of the Northside; a Dub through and through. Her love of design is only rivalled by her obsession with both dogs and prawn cocktail crisps.
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